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Tai Nan Wu Ye Da QI An (1958) UDN Movie Ad #8

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Product Introduction
"Tai Nan Wu Ye Da QI An"(The Curious Case in a Foggy Night in Tainan)was originally called "Tai Nan Wu Ye Da Xue An"(The Murder in a Foggy Night in Tainan). In all the literature and related reports, "Curious Case" and "Murder" appeared alternately, referring to the same movie. It was written by Hung Xinde and directed by Bai Ke. The story was about a man named Lin JianSan who betrayed and killed his wife Meimei, due to his affair with another woman, Lihong. After JianSan was sentenced to death, Lihong agreed to take care of his and Meimei's children.
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