Privacy Policy

The term NFTgogo in this Privacy Policy refers to the owner of the NFTgogo and related website. STARGAZER (referred to as STARGAZER), including but not limited to its shareholders, directors, investors, employees or affiliated Partners.

In order to protect the privacy and rights of members using the services of this website, NFTgogo will comply with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Law of the Republic of China, to protect and respect your personal privacy. The privacy and personal data protection policy of this website service (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") directly and indirectly collects, processes, utilizes and protects your personal data in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 of the Personal Data Protection Act. Please read the following “Collect, Share, and Use” of Personal Data.

Collect, Share and Use of Personal Information

When you start to use the services of NFTgogo, we will collect and process the computer, or other equipment and browsing information you use. Also, when using NFTgogo related websites and services, including computers or mobile devices, IP address, startup system and browsing type. At the same time, it will directly and indirectly collect, process and use your personal data and transaction information (including but not limited to transaction content and amount, etc.) that you have retained when you register as a member on the NFTgogo or NFTgogo afiliate platforms. Accordingly, NFTgogo will inform you of the following matters in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law:

The Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

NFTgogo will conduct surveys, statistics and research analysis related to this website service or other e-commerce services. And meet the requirements of NFTgogo in compliance with regulations, business, finance, taxation, operations or risk management. (Including but not limited to self- or joint marketing, statistical investigation and analysis, internal control, management and inspection, etc. The statutory specific purpose numbers are O40, O90, 148, 157.)

Personal Information We Collect

Name, date of birth, ID number, nationality, gender, marital status, household registration address, household registration telephone number, postal address, home telephone number, education level, work and title, work telephone number, occupation type, fax number (FAX), E-mail address, financial bank account, credit card number, income, assets, transaction status and investment experience. Information provided or generated during your trading with NFTgogo that identifies or is reasonably capable of identifying an individual, directly or indirectly, and information that is capable of being associated with an identified or reasonably identifiable individual.

Sources of Indirect Collection of Personal Data

(1) The cooperative platforms or affiliated Partners of NFTgogo, including platforms such as Jcard etc.

(2) NFTgogo cooperates with a third party to promote, or entrusts a third party in the business.

Period of Using Your Personal Information

Collection of personal data, the duration of the specific purpose of the Cookie, the expiry period of data retention according to law or contract, or the expiry period set by NFTgogo, whichever is longer.

Who We Share Your Personal Information

NFTgogo and its affiliates, third parties or outsourced agencies that have business and cooperative relations with NFTgogo. Or agencies with investigation power or financial supervision agencies according to law, competent agencies in accordance with domestic and foreign laws, financial supervisory authority, and other parties with your consent.

Area of ​​Using Personal Information

Taiwan and any areas covered by the services of this website include areas outside Taiwan where it is necessary to use such personal data in accordance with the business judgment of NFTgogo in the future. It also includes the regions where the above-mentioned objects of use are located.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Automated machines or other non-automated means of use in compliance with personal information protection laws and regulations.

Rights and means of exercising your personal information.

(1) The rights that can be exercised with NFTgogo:

  1. You may submit a request that NFTgogo disclose the categories of personal information we have collected about you. To inquire and request to read or make copies from NFTgogo, a reasonable fee will be charged.
  2. One should give appropriate explanations when requesting additional information or correction from NFTgogo.
  3. As necessary for the execution of business for NFTgogo, one cannot request NFTgogo to stop or delete the collection, processing and sharing. NFTgogo will not accept such requests.

(2) How to exercise the rights: Submit writing documents (such as letter, e-mail, fax, or electronic documents, etc.) and procedures designated by NFTgogo.

Please understand, however, that these rights are not absolute, and we may decline requests as permitted under applicable law.

The Impact of Your Non-Provided Personal Information

Please notice and understand that if you fail to provide relevant personal information, NFTgogo may delay or fail to perform necessary auditing, processing and related services. Therefore, NFTgogo may not accept your application for membership registration. Thus, delay or inability to provide you with related services or business transactions and other related matters.

Public to the Third Parties

You agree that NFTgogo may share your personal information to NFTgogo's affiliated Partners and cooperative platform Jcard in the ordinary course of business and offer our Services to you.

Except as otherwise required by law or with your written consent, we will not sell, disclose, exchange or share your personal data with any third party. We will do the best to protect NFTgogo and you from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of Personal Information we collect and store.

Data Security

Protect the security and integrity of our Services. We use your Personal Information, including information about your device and your activity on NFTgogo to maintain the security of your account and the NFTgogo platform. We will do the best to protect you from risks related to improper use and fraud.


When you access NFTgogo, we may make use of the standard practice of placing tiny data files called cookies, flash cookies, pixel tags, or other tracking tools (herein, “Cookies”) on your computer or other devices used to visit NFTgogo. It may also store random strings in the user's computer to identify the user.

You agree that NFTgogo has the right to allow certain companies that advertise on the NFTgogo webpage to set and access Cookies on your computer. They will use their Cookies in accordance with their own privacy policies , and not in accordance with the privacy policy of NFTgogo. Please note that advertisers or other companies cannot access NFTgogo's Cookies.

We may implement "Cookies" or other functions that allow us or third parties to collect or share information to help us recognize you as a customer, collect information about your use of NFTgogo to better customize our services and content for you. A "Cookie" is an identification code that we send to your computer or mobile device, which allows us to identify your computer or device, and at the same time track the use, method, time, and number of visits and activities to our website. We may link Cookie information together with personal information.

Should you wish to refuse the use of Cookies, please select the appropriate setting on your browser. Please note that if you reject Cookies, you will not be able to use some or all of NFTgogo service.

You also can learn more about Cookies by visiting


This website may include links to other websites or web pages, or services provided by third parties, such as: Jcard. When you use the services of this website, at the same time, using other additional functions, plug-ins or applications provided by third parties (hereinafter referred to as "applications"), such websites, web links or applications may acquire some of your personal information . NFTgogo will not hold any responsibility for such websites, links or applications. Please note that NFTgogo has nothing to do with the collecting of personal information.

We may disclose Personal Information in the event of a proposed or consummated merger, acquisition, reorganization, asset sale, or similar corporate transaction, or in the event of a bankruptcy or dissolution. If we decide to modify the purpose for which your Personal Information is collected and used, we will amend this Privacy Policy.

Modification of this Privacy Policy

NFTgogo revises this policy from time to time and if you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, please feel free to contact us.

How can I manage or delete information about my account

We provide you with the ability to access, rectify and erase your data. Please contact to process and more information.

We store data until it is no longer necessary to provide our services and products, or until your account is deleted - whichever comes first. This is a case-by-case determination that depends on things like the nature of the data, why it is collected and processed, and relevant legal or operational retention needs.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy or our processing of your Personal Information or your account or your rights, please feel free to email us at